Since 2001 JakArt has held six festivals, four festivals in Jakarta and two traveling festivals, and has organized and staged 12 major productions in over 175 cities in four continents. JakArt has held over 1800 performances in more than 800 locations, involving the participation of more than 3000 artists from 50 countries. JakArt has worked with more than 350 government and NGO organizations, foreign embassies, etc., and has involved more than 2000 enthusiastic volunteers from all walks of life.
JakArt has received the endorsement of UNESCO and is founding member of AAPAF (The Association of Asian Performing Arts Festivals). Presently JakArt holds the Vice-Chair of the Association.

In 1999 JakArt was established as a grass-roots organization to demonstrate, expose, share, encourage and promote:
1. the benefits to be gained from the development and promotion of the arts;
2. the importance of CREATIVITY in our social, economic, and cultural activities;
3. the significance of Human Values and Freedom of Expression in development;
4. Indonesia’s image internationally by placing it on the cultural map of the world;
5. enhanced media exposure for the arts both locally & internationally;
6. the wealth and diversity of our Cultural Heritage; contemporary artistic development;
7. the benefits of intercultural and interdisciplinary artistic collaboration, exchange and camaraderie;
8. the importance of audience building;
9. the establishment of a forum to empower people to take responsibility for their own development;
10. volunteerism;
11. greater Sponsor interest & support;
12. increased government support and funding for the Arts and arts education;
13. increased corporate involvement;
14. support and funding for the Arts;
15. the establishment of an Endowment Fund for the Arts
More About JakArt
JakArt Festival is the result of the combined efforts of an impressive number of individual artists and concerned citizens who have collectively come to the realization that some action is called for imminently. These same individuals have struggled for many years and to various degrees of success to address the concern of the lack of adequate educational and financial support (often due to lack of understanding of the important links between the arts and our everyday economic and social activities). In Jakarta, a city of 15 million people, most of the cultural projects and events address themselves to narrow and specialized audiences and seldom reach the wider public. What makes JakArt festivals and projects different is that for the first time in many years a consensus has emerged that if all these noble efforts in the various fields and disciplines can be pooled together, so that we can create monumental events that will reach a wide audience and draw attention to a number of important issues. We hope that JakArt has started an on-going dialogue that will continue developing a deeper level of understanding.
In a very real sense JakArt is a homage to human creativity and intellectuality, the capability to express the essential truth about life and the world in which we live, and the capacity to understand and appreciate the thoughts and feelings of other human beings. And if such a capacity were more fully developed in every human individual and groups then peace would have a much greater chance of prevailing in this world.
“JakArt, An explosion of the Arts and Culture with a particular emphasis on Education. Events, ranging from world-class international performances and exhibitions to public art and spontaneous expression, in venues ranging from the conventional to the alternative.
A unique long term project leading to the drastic transformation of our Cultural Landscape. A multiethnic and interdisciplinary exercise in constructing bridges between various groups, between the artists and the public between the government and its people.”
Mr. Irawan Abidin
Chairman of JakArt@2001 and JakArt@2002
Since 2001 JakArt has held six festivals, four festivals in Jakarta and two traveling festivals, and has organized and staged 12 major productions in over 175 cities in four continents. JakArt has held over 1800 performances in more than 800 locations, involving the participation of more than 3000 artists from 50 countries. JakArt has worked with more than 350 government and NGO organizations, foreign embassies, etc., and has involved more than 2000 enthusiastic volunteers from all walks of life.
JakArt has received the endorsement of UNESCO and is founding member of AAPAF (The Association of Asian Performing Arts Festivals). Presently JakArt holds the Vice-Chair of the Association.

Slogans & Mottos
“Creativity is a vehicle of development”
“ In the spirit of volunteerism”
“in the spirit philanthropy”
“Support the arts to support human values”
“A Celebration of culture”
“Reality begins where Fantasy ends”
“If many people share a fantasy it will become real”
“Let us dream together”
“Local flavours, spice caravan”
“is it worth it?”