JakArt@2003 – Mahabharata Jazz & Wayang


Jazz & Wayang

November 28 – December 23, 2003

Luluk Purwanto and The Helsdingen Trio
Nanang Hape  & the Stage Bus

J a w a & B a l i

Indonesian   –  American  –   Dutch
cross  cultural  promotion  tour
twenty non profit performances
at universities, town squares
and cultural heritage sites

Mahabharata Jazz and Wayang is an unique program designed for the listener to comprehensively explore jazz improvisation in both western-contemporary and Javanese-traditional settings.  Because of the unique composition of the group, with Luluk regarded as one of Indonesia’s foremost jazz artists closely working together with American, Dutch and Indonesian performers, this program will be a true cultural exchange. The planned performances will certainly provide a wonderful forum for the exchange of ideas and information pertaining to improvisation, Jazz and Wayang.

Tour Schedule

 28 NovJakarta Erasmus Huis, Royal Netherlands Embassy,
 29 NovJakarta Senayan Square
 1 DecBandung Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
 2 DecCirebon Hotel Santika
 3 DecPurwokerto Universitas Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED)
 4 DecMagelang Candi Borobudur
 5 DecSalatiga Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW)
 8 DecMalang Universitas Merdeka
 10 DecDenpasar Bali  Bandjre Sandi, Renon
 11 DecLegian Bali Blue Ocean Beach
 13 DecSurabaya Universitas Airlangga
 14 DecJombang Pondok Pesantren Tebuireng Putri
 15 DecSolo Kamandungan Karaton Surakarta Hadiningrat
 16 DecYogyakarta Universitas Gajah Mada (GAMA)
 17 DecPrambanan Candi Prambanan
 18 DecPonorogo Aloon Aloon
 19 DecSolo Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI)
 20 DecKudus Aloon Aloon
 21 DecSemarang Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP)
 23 DecDepok Universitas Indonesia (UI)

For more information please visit:
Mahabharata Jazz and Wayang.html

A Cross Cultural promotion Tour
 by Djarum Super

Supported by:
The Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism
The Embassy of the United States of America,
The Royal Netherlands Embassy,
Jakarta, Indonesia

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia,
The Hague, The Netherlands

Organized and supported by
International Arts Cultural & Educational Festival
and Helsdingen Music BV, Amsterdam